Jorge Humberto i agree with you, i really like your thought
Challenge 1-3
Am I and active Citizen?
Date: 21/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
I think ..this is a good example about a global citizen. I agree, when you say that is necesary to include this behavior participative in the building of society.
Date: 20/10/2011
Subject: Re: Global Citizen Description!
What is to a citizen in this society?
According to the things we all have learned, a citizen is a person who should interact, tolerate, and understand the issues arround him. In this context an active citizen must use his rights and duties because that's what makes the world go round. I consider myself as an active citizen first of all because i always try to follow the rules arroun me, live in peace, be tolerant and support the people who needs me as well. Second of all, i consider that an active citizen should look up for the best things of the society, strenghthen them and keeping always in mind to avoid bad things.
Date: 20/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
Active Citizen`s personality an example for the whole word.
It would be very dificult to describe active citizen`s personality because he/she is a bighearted
person who helps people. he/she is a team player and people person who contribuites to socie-
ty and gives something back.he/she can all trully make a difference by getting involved and to
work in a proyect from conception to completion and see how it benefits others.
In conclusion. Following the example of an active citizen we will get a better world for the next
Are you an active citizen? No I am not. because being an active citizen means that you have to
spend time doing things for helping people you need to have a strong will to help. and in the mo-
ment I am very busy doing things to support my family.
Date: 20/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
Active Citizen`s personality an example for the whole word.
It would be very dificult to describe active citizen`s personality because he/she is a bighearted person who helps people. he/she is a team player and people person who contribuites to society and gives something back.he/she can all trully make a difference by getting involved and to work in a proyect from conception to completion and see how it benefits others.
In conclusion. Following the example of an active citizen we will get a better world for the next generations.
Are you an active citizen? No I am not. because being an active citizen means that you have to spend time doing things for helping people you need to have a strong will to help. and in the moment I am very busy doing things to support my family.
Date: 21/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
I'm totally agree with you when you said that is very difficult to describe what an active citizen is, because this is a huge meaning....... But I think that an active citizen is not only people making things.... it's not necesary to spend time of your personal time... if you are interested in the issues that affect your community and ofcourse you.
Date: 21/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
Good Rene, You have great ideas about "active citizen” I like your paragraph =)
Date: 24/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
I agree with your perception of an active citizen because he has to participate in society strenghtening its best qualities.
Date: 21/10/2011
Subject: Re: Global Citizen Description!
An active citizen is a leader.
It's a person that provides his knowledge to the community. That type of person tries to change those things that affect the community.
The characteristics of an active citizen are: Usually is a people person, a team player and helpful person.
Personally I don't think I am a very active citizen, I think that I need more sense of leadership.
What I can do to be more active, is stop to look that I belong to this world, and should be good to contribute to the world with my knowledge.
In conclusion an active citizen is a person who is connected with what is happening in the world, and work to change the bad things.
Date: 21/10/2011
Subject: Re: Re: Global Citizen Description!
Deisy it's true, a good citizen need to contribute with the society.